Friday, June 13, 2008

Habeas for Guantanamo Detainees

President George W Bush’s administration has turned America onto a new path in regards to its global relations. While many agree and disagree with our efforts to end this War on Terror, this writer brings up the controversial subject of Guantanamo Bay. The Bush Administration is now well known for its biased and illegitimate means of handling detainees. The author of Habeas for Guantanamo Detainees supports his opinion about this citing the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding Guantanamo Bay and divulging into his opinion on the subject.

He or she does so in a way that includes factual and opinionated information that is both straightforward and easy to follow. The author first gives pertinent background information concerning the advancement of the detainees’ judicial hearings and the problems many have faced. He or she also candidly pointed out the breakthrough via the court system he detainees made this past Thursday –The Supreme Court ruled that after a review of the Constitution Guantanamo detainees are in fact eligible for the protection of habeas corpus and were wrongly denied the right of due process. In all, the writer’s factual information reinforced his professionalism and reasoning to write such an article. In addition, the author’s use of language adds to the quality of his work.

Aside from his logical points, I wholly agree with the humanistic perspective he has on this subject. People have been held for years with so many of their basic rights taken away. As the author mentioned, hopefully we can take a step forward with George W. Bush’s successors plan to close Guantanamo. However, until then at the very least we are making progress to bring justice to the guilty and freedom to the innocent.

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