Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama Now has a Mountain to Climb

Matt Frei of BBC News, Washington, comments on the announcement of Obama’s win as the Democratic Presidential nominee in his article, Obama Now Has a Mountain to Climb. Frei brings to light many problems Obama faces on his ‘up hill climb’ to the White House. He also makes a point to divulge into the past and current status of the relationship between Obama and Clinton. The writer compares Obama and McCain’s stances on the U.S. economy, the war in Iraq, and taxes. In addition, Frei discusses the current ignorance of American voters in regards to Obama’s personal views and life.

Frei points out Obama’s dwindling popularity with blue collar workers and the lack of a strong Hispanic vote, both of which Clinton had a stronghold on, helps solidify the idea that Obama needs the support of Clinton. Frei’s comments on American’s knowledge of Obama’s personal life show how their ignorance transcends to that of his campaign platform. Although most Americans vote based on party affiliation, it is sad that most do not actually know what they’re voting for. With so many first time voters expected to hit the polls and possibly make history, it’s imperative that they know what impact they are making for the future of all Americans and countries around the world.

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